Prince Malchezaar, Prinz Malchezaar

Highlighted reports are within 1 standard deviation of the sample. This means the tps numbers are more typical. Reports not highlighted are more likely to be bogus, or otherwise considered somewhat of an outlier.

Only the top 200 reports per class are shown. However, average tps and standard deviation is based off of all reports in the index.

Some of the very highest tps scores are not always genuine(although some are genuine). Reports which seem to be significantly above most of the others are often the result of of either a poorly merged combat log file, or the user tampering with the combat log to inflate numbers.

See all bosses

Which reports get indexed?

Warrior Paladin Druid
Average Tps 712 730 769
Standard Deviation 143 146 273

1208 1257 2362
1203 1194 1428
1203 1178 1182
1153 1143 1089
1152 1063 1067
1142 1063 1044
1133 1048 991
1121 1037 967
1094 1023 935
1086 1012 931
1078 1010 930
1069 1009 916
1069 1006 914
1069 973 871
1069 964 841
1069 963 830
1040 960 812
1035 957 808
1034 957 807
1029 954 798
1004 948 773
996 945 773
990 940 762
975 927 757
972 914 756
967 910 754
958 905 753
955 894 753
953 893 751
952 887 748
951 880 743
938 870 739
932 870 736
928 868 733
927 868 729
923 863 705
923 858 705
922 856 699
921 854 691
921 853 689
909 853 689
907 850 671
897 847 669
895 845 667
895 845 665
894 840 661
892 837 659
890 837 647
883 836 633
879 835 618
878 831 600
872 826 593
872 820 590
869 820 567
869 819 567
865 818 561
865 816 557
861 813 554
860 812 494
854 809 480
853 808 469
851 806 455
849 805 453
846 801 406
846 798
844 795
842 785
838 784
837 783
835 779
834 778
833 777
833 773
831 772
831 772
829 771
828 771
828 769
827 766
827 766
825 764
824 763
823 762
818 760
817 759
816 757
815 757
815 756
812 754
811 753
806 751
804 749
802 748
801 748
801 746
801 744
801 744
800 743
800 742
795 742
795 742
794 741
791 740
790 740
789 740
786 738
785 737
782 737
782 736
779 733
777 732
775 728
775 728
770 725
770 725
770 722
769 721
769 720
768 720
768 720
767 717
766 717
765 712
764 708
763 706
763 706
763 705
763 705
762 703
761 702
760 701
759 701
758 700
758 698
756 696
756 695
755 691
752 688
751 688
751 687
750 687
749 685
748 683
748 682
746 681
745 679
745 677
744 675
743 671
742 669
741 668
740 667
740 667
739 667
737 665
736 664
735 663
734 662
733 657
730 657
728 655
727 652
726 652
726 651
725 649
723 648
723 644
722 639
722 637
722 637
722 636
720 636
720 636
719 635
719 634
718 634
717 632
716 631
716 630
716 629
715 626
714 625
714 621
713 620
713 617
712 615
712 614
712 610
711 610
711 610
710 608
709 605
709 605
709 603
709 603
708 602
708 600
707 594
707 592
706 590