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Seconds Total Threat TPS
Battle Time 674 668934 992
Dps Time 347 1928

Ability Damage Total Threat Include
Total Damage Threat 294538 (44%)
Cons�cration 37040 70376
Jugement de pi�t� 28125 53438
Sceau de pi�t� 27671 52575
Bouclier sacr� 27032 51361
Exorcisme 19849 37713
Swing 19519 19519
Bouclier du vengeur 2780 5282
Epines 2418 2418
Col�re divine 977 1856

Ability Effective Heal Threat Include
Total Healing Threat 334389 (50%)
�me attir�e 600000 300000
Bouclier de terre 31471 15735
Pri�re de gu�rison 25921 12961
Lumi�re sacr�e 5712 2856
Chef de la meute am�lior� 5675 2837

Power Gain Amount Threat Include
Total Power Gain Threat 40008 (6%)
Harmonisation spirituelle (Mana) 76161 38081
Fontaine de mana (Mana) 2104 1052
Totem de Vague de mana (Mana) 1750 875

Name Narielle
Realm Varimathras
Encounter Illidan Hurlorage
WWS Report
TPS Report

This tool is good for a rough idea of your tps. However, not all abilities and threat altering factors appear in a wws report, so assumptions must be made and this is where innacuracies come from. Currently, this tool only picks up abilities which do damage, heal, and certain power gains. Stance, talents, and buffs aren't known and so are assumed to be threat favorable. Threat from healing and power gains are best case figures, because threat is equally split between all mobs aware of the player, and it's not possible to know how many/which other mobs(if any) were alive for what portions of the fight from a wws report.