Leotheras der Blinde, Leotheras l'Aveugle, Leotheras the Blind

Highlighted reports are within 1 standard deviation of the sample. This means the tps numbers are more typical. Reports not highlighted are more likely to be bogus, or otherwise considered somewhat of an outlier.

Only the top 200 reports per class are shown. However, average tps and standard deviation is based off of all reports in the index.

Some of the very highest tps scores are not always genuine(although some are genuine). Reports which seem to be significantly above most of the others are often the result of of either a poorly merged combat log file, or the user tampering with the combat log to inflate numbers.

See all bosses

Which reports get indexed?

Warrior Paladin Druid
Average Tps 526 548 616
Standard Deviation 122 116 119

901 1017 759
837 808 689
826 792 683
807 729 657
770 714 619
723 707 607
700 700 536
691 683 373
686 673
675 672
669 671
662 666
661 661
659 660
656 646
638 643
626 636
610 635
601 634
600 631
594 614
592 611
590 611
583 598
580 597
580 592
579 589
575 579
568 578
564 572
557 568
557 563
556 562
555 555
551 553
549 548
548 547
547 547
542 546
540 545
531 544
530 538
528 536
528 534
527 532
527 527
522 525
517 518
516 516
493 516
492 512
489 509
474 507
473 503
467 503
464 499
462 490
456 486
451 484
444 484
440 483
440 477
439 469
439 463
438 462
435 462
435 461
433 458
433 452
429 451
427 450
424 442
421 434
412 434
405 425
405 422
402 416
398 409
396 375
393 353
390 336
387 318
386 274