Gurtogg Bloodboil, Gurtogg Fièvresang, Gurtogg Siedeblut

Highlighted reports are within 1 standard deviation of the sample. This means the tps numbers are more typical. Reports not highlighted are more likely to be bogus, or otherwise considered somewhat of an outlier.

Only the top 200 reports per class are shown. However, average tps and standard deviation is based off of all reports in the index.

Some of the very highest tps scores are not always genuine(although some are genuine). Reports which seem to be significantly above most of the others are often the result of of either a poorly merged combat log file, or the user tampering with the combat log to inflate numbers.

See all bosses

Which reports get indexed?

Warrior Paladin Druid
Average Tps 630 715 688
Standard Deviation 136 174 169

1462 1682 1814
1462 1252 1721
1396 1233 1455
1376 1218 1455
1369 1200 1427
1331 1182 1344
1324 1166 1156
1291 1105 1131
1291 1081 1110
1263 1079 1075
1099 1075 1065
1071 1068 1018
1069 1066 1014
1024 1063 987
1020 1055 981
1020 1048 979
1007 1042 971
1003 1039 970
995 1037 954
993 1010 952
989 985 939
987 982 936
986 980 927
978 977 907
976 966 906
970 962 900
966 959 900
965 954 897
962 951 896
959 945 894
949 944 884
946 938 883
929 936 880
922 932 876
893 923 873
893 923 873
887 921 872
887 919 871
884 919 871
884 915 869
881 915 865
872 907 864
869 906 859
867 905 859
863 905 856
863 904 856
860 899 854
859 898 854
857 896 847
856 891 846
856 889 843
854 887 837
853 880 834
852 880 834
852 871 831
851 871 828
851 868 827
849 865 824
841 863 823
841 863 822
838 856 821
836 856 820
834 855 819
830 854 819
829 854 818
828 851 818
827 851 815
827 851 815
826 850 814
825 843 813
825 843 811
822 842 809
821 842 798
820 841 796
820 841 795
816 841 794
816 835 791
816 834 791
815 834 789
812 834 786
808 832 786
807 828 785
805 828 785
804 823 783
803 823 783
802 821 780
800 821 780
798 820 778
798 820 778
797 820 777
794 818 777
792 817 775
791 816 775
791 816 774
790 814 773
790 808 772
788 806 768
787 806 764
786 805 764
786 805 760
786 805 754
784 804 753
783 800 753
783 798 752
782 794 750
782 793 747
782 792 746
782 792 745
780 791 744
780 790 743
778 790 739
777 787 738
776 787 738
776 786 737
775 786 737
774 783 737
774 783 735
773 783 735
773 783 734
772 782 731
771 781 731
769 780 731
769 779 729
769 777 729
768 776 728
767 774 726
766 774 725
765 771 724
765 771 723
765 767 723
765 766 722
765 766 722
765 764 721
765 764 720
764 762 718
764 762 718
764 758 715
763 757 713
763 756 712
762 756 712
762 754 712
762 754 709
761 753 709
760 752 708
760 750 708
760 748 707
760 748 707
759 745 705
759 744 703
759 744 703
757 744 701
755 742 700
755 740 697
754 739 695
753 738 695
753 738 693
752 738 693
751 738 692
751 732 691
751 732 691
750 730 691
750 727 691
750 726 690
748 726 690
748 724 689
747 722 689
747 717 685
746 716 685
745 713 684
745 711 683
744 711 683
744 710 682
743 710 682
743 707 681
742 707 679
742 705 678
742 702 678
742 702 675
741 701 674
741 700 674
741 700 672
741 699 672
740 696 671
740 693 671
739 692 670
739 691 669
738 690 668
738 689 667
738 687 666
738 687 664
735 686 664
735 682 664
734 681 664
734 679 663
734 678 663
734 677 662
733 677 661
733 677 659
732 676 659
732 675 658