
Highlighted reports are within 1 standard deviation of the sample. This means the tps numbers are more typical. Reports not highlighted are more likely to be bogus, or otherwise considered somewhat of an outlier.

Only the top 200 reports per class are shown. However, average tps and standard deviation is based off of all reports in the index.

Some of the very highest tps scores are not always genuine(although some are genuine). Reports which seem to be significantly above most of the others are often the result of of either a poorly merged combat log file, or the user tampering with the combat log to inflate numbers.

See all bosses

Which reports get indexed?

Warrior Paladin Druid
Average Tps 853 916 850
Standard Deviation 205 182 237

1661 1623 1626
1661 1623 1302
1563 1469 1209
1544 1393 1208
1544 1392 1152
1523 1380 1100
1488 1365 1069
1433 1365 1059
1426 1342 1033
1396 1339 1017
1392 1332 941
1377 1330 919
1377 1327 887
1365 1326 861
1355 1325 857
1349 1307 853
1347 1306 853
1338 1301 839
1338 1299 824
1319 1293 798
1302 1288 792
1302 1279 784
1294 1277 774
1289 1276 761
1255 1273 745
1246 1263 732
1229 1260 726
1222 1259 706
1221 1253 690
1214 1246 681
1211 1245 667
1207 1241 611
1203 1238 607
1202 1229 603
1201 1227 587
1201 1220 587
1199 1212 579
1198 1211 577
1197 1209 516
1196 1208
1193 1206
1192 1204
1190 1202
1188 1201
1187 1198
1187 1196
1186 1195
1183 1193
1183 1193
1182 1187
1176 1186
1174 1185
1174 1182
1169 1181
1165 1178
1163 1176
1157 1176
1156 1167
1156 1167
1156 1166
1145 1163
1138 1159
1137 1159
1136 1152
1134 1148
1130 1147
1129 1145
1128 1145
1123 1144
1122 1142
1116 1140
1109 1140
1105 1140
1103 1140
1103 1138
1102 1136
1099 1134
1098 1133
1098 1132
1094 1132
1093 1129
1089 1128
1088 1127
1086 1127
1086 1125
1086 1122
1085 1122
1084 1120
1083 1118
1083 1117
1081 1116
1079 1116
1077 1114
1074 1113
1074 1110
1073 1110
1069 1108
1067 1107
1066 1104
1065 1103
1064 1102
1062 1102
1061 1099
1058 1098
1057 1098
1054 1097
1054 1097
1054 1096
1049 1096
1048 1095
1047 1094
1047 1094
1045 1093
1044 1092
1041 1091
1039 1089
1038 1089
1035 1088
1035 1088
1034 1086
1031 1086
1031 1086
1024 1084
1023 1083
1023 1082
1022 1081
1021 1080
1019 1079
1018 1079
1017 1076
1014 1075
1013 1073
1013 1070
1008 1070
1008 1070
1007 1069
1006 1067
1004 1065
1003 1064
1001 1064
1001 1062
1001 1060
1001 1059
1000 1058
999 1058
997 1057
994 1057
994 1055
993 1054
992 1053
990 1053
988 1050
988 1049
988 1049
987 1048
985 1048
981 1047
979 1045
979 1045
979 1044
978 1043
978 1043
975 1042
971 1040
971 1040
970 1039
969 1039
966 1038
966 1035
965 1032
964 1031
962 1031
962 1030
961 1028
961 1024
961 1024
960 1021
958 1019
958 1018
957 1017
956 1016
956 1015
955 1015
955 1015
955 1015
955 1009
954 1006
953 1006
953 1005
952 1004
951 1004
950 1003
950 1002
950 1001
948 1001
946 1000
945 1000
945 1000
945 1000
944 1000