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Seconds Total Threat TPS
Battle Time 405 294759 728
Dps Time 401 735

Ability Damage Innate Threat Total Threat Include
Total Damage Threat 263510 (89%)
Swing 58527 0 87498
Verwüsten 47404 0 70869
Schildschlag 21484 13310 45429
Heldenhafter Stoß 18999 0 28404
Hinrichten 14001 0 17501
Rache 2032 4808 7846
Romulos Gift 3207 0 4794
Donnerknall 447 0 1169

Ability Effective Heal Threat Include
Total Healing Threat 30644 (10%)
Verbesserter Rudelführer 21691 16214
Gebet der Besserung 11381 8508
Blühendes Leben 7924 5923

Power Gain Amount Threat Include
Total Power Gain Threat 605 (0%)
Blutrausch (Rage) 111 555
Schild-Spezialisierung (Rage) 10 50

Name Feder
Realm Gorgonnash
Encounter Leerhäscher
WWS Report
TPS Report

This tool is good for a rough idea of your tps. However, not all abilities and threat altering factors appear in a wws report, so assumptions must be made and this is where innacuracies come from. Currently, this tool only picks up abilities which do damage, heal, and certain power gains. Stance, talents, and buffs aren't known and so are assumed to be threat favorable. Threat from healing and power gains are best case figures, because threat is equally split between all mobs aware of the player, and it's not possible to know how many/which other mobs(if any) were alive for what portions of the fight from a wws report.