Leerhäscher, Saccageur du Vide, Void Reaver

Highlighted reports are within 1 standard deviation of the sample. This means the tps numbers are more typical. Reports not highlighted are more likely to be bogus, or otherwise considered somewhat of an outlier.

Only the top 200 reports per class are shown. However, average tps and standard deviation is based off of all reports in the index.

Some of the very highest tps scores are not always genuine(although some are genuine). Reports which seem to be significantly above most of the others are often the result of of either a poorly merged combat log file, or the user tampering with the combat log to inflate numbers.

See all bosses

Which reports get indexed?

Warrior Paladin Druid
Average Tps 654 738 757
Standard Deviation 149 169 159

1631 1223 1986
1605 1200 1169
1336 1144 1148
1319 1112 1116
1154 1101 1111
1150 1090 1080
1093 1087 1050
1076 1078 1050
1017 1061 1040
1015 1055 1020
1003 1052 1010
1001 1050 1008
985 1049 1006
982 1049 1000
980 1047 999
975 1042 999
970 1040 994
970 1035 994
963 1034 990
959 1022 986
947 1013 984
945 1013 983
945 1012 981
945 1001 964
937 996 963
929 993 961
922 986 960
921 982 959
912 980 954
911 973 945
911 969 945
909 960 940
907 957 935
901 956 930
898 953 925
898 948 908
895 937 907
895 936 906
895 934 904
894 934 902
894 929 896
894 921 894
890 920 894
886 918 894
884 916 893
884 912 892
881 909 888
881 909 887
870 906 878
870 906 877
858 905 876
858 905 870
855 905 866
853 902 862
851 902 857
851 902 854
850 901 852
844 895 851
843 894 849
843 889 845
842 887 845
842 887 844
841 887 843
841 887 840
840 885 835
839 884 832
838 882 829
838 882 827
831 881 825
828 880 824
825 877 824
825 875 821
823 875 821
822 875 819
819 874 815
817 873 814
816 872 811
815 867 809
815 862 809
814 861 808
809 859 807
809 857 807
809 857 803
809 855 803
808 853 802
808 852 802
805 848 802
803 847 800
803 846 800
801 845 795
800 845 794
799 842 790
798 841 788
797 839 787
796 839 785
796 839 784
795 839 782
794 836 780
792 835 780
792 833 779
792 832 777
791 832 774
791 832 772
790 831 767
788 830 764
786 830 760
786 830 758
785 830 758
784 825 758
783 824 756
781 823 756
780 823 754
780 822 754
779 822 753
779 822 753
779 821 753
779 819 752
779 818 752
778 816 749
777 815 747
775 815 745
774 812 744
773 811 744
772 810 743
772 810 741
769 807 739
768 806 736
767 804 734
765 804 734
765 804 727
764 803 726
764 799 724
763 798 724
762 797 721
762 796 721
762 795 719
761 794 718
761 791 714
760 790 713
759 790 713
759 787 711
758 786 711
757 786 708
756 784 708
755 781 707
755 781 707
754 779 706
753 779 705
753 778 705
751 775 705
751 774 703
749 774 700
748 770 698
747 768 698
746 768 697
746 768 696
745 766 695
745 765 694
745 765 693
744 764 692
743 764 691
742 764 691
740 764 691
740 764 691
740 762 690
739 761 689
739 760 688
739 760 687
738 758 685
737 758 682
737 757 678
736 756 676
736 754 674
735 754 674
735 753 673
735 753 672
734 752 672
734 751 671
733 751 671
732 748 670
731 748 670
730 746 670
729 745 669
728 744 665
728 742 664
726 741 663
726 741 663
726 741 662
726 740 659
726 739 657
726 738 654
725 736 654
725 736 652
724 735 650
722 732 648
722 730 648
722 729 648
720 729 646
720 728 644
717 727 643